**Warning: The following post is an excerpt from my journal and is really sappy. These words are not for the tough at heart.**
July 7th, 2011
As I took my walk to the primary school latrine to free myself this morning, I saw the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever seen.
As I sat on a rock looking out at the seemingly never-ending millet fields, scattered mud huts and sheet metal, I was overcome by the beauty of this place.
The sun rays bounced of the sides of the school blocks, as two young boys decked out in their classic burnt yellow and brown uniforms guided goats to new grazing grounds.
And now, only a few hours later, with the sun high in the sky, the wind so strong it makes the millet bow, I feel at peace. Sitting under this tree, nothing else seems to matter.
...you were warned.
Thanks for sharing - so good to hear you are soaking it all in!!