Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Same but Different

I’ve finally realized how small the world really is.
 I’m in a different country, in a different continent across the Atlantic Ocean, and I still see similarities between Ghana and Canada. Like a lot of them.
  Yesterday, I went for a stroll. As I turned the corner around the house, there was a group of young boys playing football and joking around, and a group of girls playing a clapping and jumping sort of game.  Classic elementary school scenario. The girls taught me their game, and although I tried to the best of my ability, I kind of failed. The coordination needed is ridiculous!
  I continued down the road. As I approached the football pitch, I saw a group of boys playing football, and some other boys riding their bikes through the pitch. I specifically remember feeling that this could be Canada… that I have seen this scene before. Okay, sure, so the pitch would have been covered in grass instead of dirt, and things like that, but it was the same.

To be more specific, people are the same. People, in every place, in every language and every skin colour, want the same things. Kids want to play sports, games, joke around, and are curious. Babies want to give you high-fives. Teens and young adults want to be more successful and cooler than their parents. Adults, and more specifically, parents want to provide for their families and be able to buy things that make them happy.

It never fails; every day I see or hear that reminds me of Canada.
  I think that generally when people travel, they always focus on the differences. They seek out what they do not recognize and let those things take over. This is not necessarily a bad thing either, because it is pretty cool experiencing the new cultures, and learning new things that open your mind. But it is equally as enlightening and interesting to focus on what makes us all the same. It’s funny because it is so obvious too! It practically hits you in the face, but you have to take a step back to realize it. The similarities are buried beneath the new climate, environment, clothing styles, languages, infrastructure and stereotypes. If you can take a moment to make that all transparent, what’s left is human beings. Living life, just like you are.
That’s why the world has to be small. If it were big, wouldn’t people be more different?

This one is right up my alley because it involves food. Oh yeah, I can hear your stomachs rumbling from here.

Part 1 (Yes, there are two parts… ooohhh aaaahhhhh)
           Next time you go out for dinner with friends, suggest a place with ethnic cuisine you’ve never tried before. There’s so much out there, but I know it’s easy to hit up the same places again and again. (I’m totally guilty of this)

           I know there are great Ethiopian places in both Hamilton and downtown T.O. Another great evening out includes Korean BBQ, where you grill your own stuff. It’s sooo good, and fun! And with your food, of course you are going to need to order a drink! For the engineers in the crowd, try some foreign beers, and for everyone else, there are some great teas, coffees and fruity beverages!

 Or if you’re anticipating paying your student fees, or waiting for that next pay cheque and are not down to blow some cash on a night out, search for a recipe online and have a(n) [insert country name here]  night! Why not rent a foreign movie too! What I want to hear from you is the country of origin of the restaurant/dish you cooked and if you can remember, the name of the dish. I want my mouth to water from all the way over here, okay?

And now…

Part 2

This one can either be really easy or really hard. When I return to Canada, I want to be able to prepare some Ghanaian dishes. This requires ingredients that I cannot smuggle onto the plane, so my challenge is to find a Ghanaian food shop in and around the Toronto area or Hamilton. Get those Google searches going and let me know what you find!

And remember, the fate of my stomach rests in your hands.

Later days,

Dunkaroo Daniela

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